Karst Sinkhole
PELA is internationally recognized in the field of geology and hydrology of karst aquifers.
Karst areas present unique hydrogeologic and engineering challenges because they are often characterized by sinkholes, underground streams (caves), and major springs. PELA has performed major investigations of karst areas for environmental and engineering purposes around the world. These include:
- Groundwater and surface-water hydrology
- Water supply development and management
- Wellhead and springhead protection
- Waste disposal
- Subsidence risk
- Development and recovery of natural resources
- Environmental permitting
- Dye trace studies
- Geotechnical studies
- Remedial investigations
- Remediation
Specific PELA projects in karst areas include:
- Performing ground-penetrating radar studies to identify areas of potential karstic subsidence or collapse
- Selecting and constructing a new route for a natural gas pipeline
- Developing plans for dewatering associated with surface and underground mining of limestone, including groundwater investigations, aquifer tests, and monitoring
- Conducting contamination assessments and designing and installing the appropriate groundwater monitoring networks
- Providing expertise and testimony for litigation regarding sinkholes and subsidence
- Providing expertise and testimony for litigation regarding groundwater contamination
- Conducting remedial investigations of groundwater at twenty-two sites on a military complex
- Identifying potential areas in karstified limestone for groundwater development for agricultural use
- Evaluating karstic foundation hazards at industrial plant sites