History of PELA GeoEnvironmental

PELA GeoEnvironmental (PELA) has been a leader in the natural resources field for over six decades. PELA’s professionals provide a vast array of expertise including geologic, hydrogeologic, and environmental services.
In 1961, Dr. Philip E. LaMoreaux founded P.E. LaMoreaux and Associates, Inc. (now dba PELA GeoEnvironmental, Inc.). Prior to founding PELA, Dr. LaMoreaux served as Chief of the Groundwater Branch of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) and Alabama State Geologist and Oil & Gas Supervisor. In developing his environmental consulting firm, Dr. LaMoreaux carried over the technical expertise, quality control and report writing standards for which the agencies, and subsequently PELA, are recognized for.

Throughout the six decades of operation, environmental regulations have been established, modified, and implemented and PELA’s professionals realigned their talents to address the changing needs of the client. When PELA began operations the majority of work consisted of consulting for mining entities in relation to dewatering and managed aquifer recharge. Over time, PELA professionals proved their versatility by moving into environmental work delineating contamination, sampling and analyzing various media for contaminants, and developing plans for and implementing remediation. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) established the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and the Resources Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). Since this time, PELA has worked on over 25 Superfund sites and with numerous industries to address these regulatory issues, assess conditions, and develop and implement solutions.

PELA is one of the early karst authorities of the modern era, performing formative studies on sinkhole occurrence and carbonate rock hydrogeology. PELA’s extensive background in the study of karst terrains and water resources management has gained the firm international recognition. Projects have been completed in most U.S. states and in eighteen foreign countries.

As a family owned company, PELA prides itself in creating long lasting client and employee relationships. The senior staff comprises highly experienced professionals whose tenure with the company spans two to four decades. It is this extensive history that drives PELA forward, always learning and always mentoring new generations to come.