Our Services
Environmental Services
Brownfields, Environmental Site Assessments, Site Investigations, Geotechnical Investigations, Cultural Resource Assessments, Underground Storage Tank studies
Litigation Services
We provide technical support during deposition and trial, document research and review, demonstrative graphics, and more.
Regulatory Compliance
We make sure our clients remain in compliance with all regulatory agencies.
Karst Sinkhole
Subsidence risk, ground-penetrating radar studies, groundwater monitoring, aquifer testing, etc.
PELA’s primary focus of expertise has been hydrogeology – the science that deals with subsurface waters and related geologic aspects of surface waters.
Storage Tanks
PELA has performed Underground Storage Tank (UST) studies related to contamination investigations and corrective actions since 1986
Specialists in Karst Hydrogeology

PELA was one of the early karst authorities of the modern era, conducting formative studies on sinkhole occurrence, hydrogeology of carbonate rock, and karstic groundwater characterization. PELA’s extensive background in the study of karst terrains and water resources management has gained the firm international recognition.